Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Discomfort in Comfort, Part 2

"So Timmy's innocent!" exclaimed Cheyenne " I knew it!"

"Actually," replied Josh, "I was talking about the other crime."

"What other crime?" asked Cheyenne, confused.

"Uh, the one about the murderer hiding out somewhere in town," broke in Lucy.
Jose 9
"Oh, that crime," said Cheyenne, ruffling her blonde hair.

"Anyway," continued Josh. " I think he may be hiding out at the school. I mean, it's July. No one has been there in months. What better place for a deadly criminal to hide?"

"So," said Lucy, "let's go tell the police your theory."

"Well, I kinda already tried that," Josh said. "They just laughed."

"So, like, what are we supposed to do?" asked Cheyenne.

"Were going to find him ourselves!" said Josh.

To be continued....


Carol-Ann Allen said...

This reminds me of two series of books we used to read when we were kids -- "The Sugar Creek Gang" series and the "Biff Norris" books. Now that dates me! There was an adventure series also in a similar league, the "Danny Orlis" books. And then, even more ancient, a quaint little series of books about "Susie and Johnny". (Susie was too perfect for me, but the stories were interesting. They usually involved a bad kid called "Butch"). Keep writin' girl! It's kinda fun, isn't it!

Carol-Ann Allen said...

Well now, I've tickled these penguins till they are runnin' around silly! I've done hangman until I'm all hung up!

Where is "Discomfort in Comfort, Part 3"????

Carol-Ann Allen said...

And .... I was almost undone when I ran through ALL the vowels and this was all I had to show for it:
u _ _ _ u _ . Can you imagine that?!

I decided to start with an "n" just in case it was an un-something! And it was! I'm still panting! I thought for sure I was gonna be hung!

Well, it's starting with lightning and thunder -- I guess I better go unplug my computer!