Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Discomfort in Comfort, Part 1

"It's, like, so hot!" complained Cheyenne, taking a sip of lemonade.

"I know!" said Lucy, licking her popsicle, which was melting more and more by the second.
Orange Popsicle.

"Hi! called Josh, walking into the backyard.

"Hey!" echoed the two girls.

"Did you guys hear?" asked Josh.

" 'Bout what?" asked Cheyenne.

"The murderer hiding out somewhere in town!"

"What!? Where is he!?" exclaimed Lucy, almost spitting out her popsicle. "We haven't had a crime here in Comfort since Tommy stole a bag of M&M's from the 7-11."

"I thought that was Timmy,"said Cheyennne.

"It doesn't matter who stole the Hershey's bar!" said Josh, frustrated.

"M&M's!" said the girls in unison.

"Whatever," said Josh. "Anyway, I have a lead."

To be continued....


Carol-Ann Allen said...

Now here is a real teaser! Not only is it another one of these wait-for-the-next-episode stories, but now I wanna have an orange popsicle RIGHT NOW but it is the middle of the night!

Kinza said...

yay! new story!!! XD
by the way I like the whole 'Discomfort in Comfort' thing. I love it when writers come up with stuff like that... very clever!!

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you have started another "nail-bitter." Can hardly wait for the next chapter. Keep up the good work. Love ya, Mickie